How To Deploy NFT On Solana?

NFTs are unique digital assets that are becoming the favorite choice of enthusiasts worldwide. However, besides purchasing rare pieces of digital art, there is a segment of enthusiasts excited about launching their own NFT collection. Thus, Web 3.0 development agencies become their prime choice to get the job done. 

How to Deploy NFT On Solana?    

NFT Deployment is fundamental for bringing NFT collection to life. Thus, it is important to understand what processes it undergoes to ensure a successful NFT launch.

Step 1: Creating Phantom Wallet 

The first step is to install Phantom and create a new wallet. Then, it will be required to create and store an auto-generated phrase which is termed a "secret recovery phrase," to keep the fund safe and secure. These 12 randomly generated words, known as seed phrases, facilitate a transaction. The Phantom wallet gets created on Mainnet by default which can be changed as per preference. 


Step 2 : Installing Metaplex CLI

Metaplex is the Solana protocol that facilitates creating and minting of Non- Fungible Tokens. As a result, the first step here is, to begin with, the configuration portion for which it is important to clone the Metaplex repo and install other dependencies. Once the installation is done, let's start by navigating the folder where the project shall be set up, this can be done from the terminal window.

After the navigation folder, let's create a new directory and clone the repo with the required command. Once all the installation, configuration, and navigation are done, now it's time to fund the wallet by requesting an airdrop for which it is important for Metaplex CLI to be connected to a Node.


Step 3: Connecting Solana Node With Quick Node

Since Quick Node makes it convenient to set up nodes, therefore it is used for the purpose. One may install a quick node under any of the network preferences.- Mainnet, Devnet, or Testnet. After setting up the node, find the HTTP endpoint and fund the wallet by running a command that allows you to see the number of Sol transferred in the terminal window. 


Step 4: Configuring Candy Machine V2

Candy Machine is the full-on chain generative NFT distribution program that facilitates the creation of a new set of distribution scenarios with protection from bot attacks. It also supports all functionalities of Metaplex.

Thus, it becomes important to set up a candy machine. After setting up candy, open the file in the text editor and run the command to pubkey with the address of keypair followed by replacement of arweave – sol option with arweave to be ready for mint. 


Step 5: Preparing The Asset  

For preparing the Asset it is essential to have CMv1 or Metaplex, which has already been installed. The next step is to create the 1-to-1 mapping of the. JSON and . PNG files where the number should start at 0 and increase sequentially without skipping any number. Next, download the Metaplex sample set and store it somewhere where it can easily be referred to in a command line.

Finally, an address value shall be updated in the JSON files, and run the bash script to look through all the files in the asset directory. 


Step 6: Uploading And Creating Candy Machine 

The candy machine is created and uploaded to Solana along with all the loaded assets and configured programs. The CMv2’s public key will be the output used for processing the assets, verifying, and uploading them.  Now, the important step is to deploy the page to the internet.


Step 7: Setting Up The Website 

For setting up the minting website, visit the Metaplex repository and open the folder with the code editor. Here, the file name and value shall be changed to plug the information relating to the candy machine and run the command for yarn installation. This will open a browser to connect with the wallet and add funds to it.  We can now view the minted NFT in our wallet.

Step 8: Meeting The Solana Certificate Standards 

In case we are not able to see our Solana NFT collection, then it could be a result of non-adherence to Metaplex Certified Collection (MCC) Standard. This is the backbone of the Solana NFT ecosystem, as it verifies every NFT by tying together thousand of NFTs. Thus, it is mandatory to fulfill all MCC requirements to ensure successful NFT deployment on Solana. 


Final Words 

Generating, deploying, and launching NFTs or any other form of the digital asset is successful with the right Web 3.0 development partners. A full-fledged blockchain development company is the global entity that addresses all forms of Web 3.0 requirements, including NFT launch and marketplace creation.