What is Liquidity Pool


The concept of Crypto Liquidity Pool is emerging as the essential elements C of Blockchain and Smart Contracts.  These pools play a fundamental role in facilitating lending and borrowing protocols, yield farming, and engineering funding resources.  Hence, the emerging Fintech era is all set to welcome the Liquidity pool and it’s time to develop more familiarity with the concept. 

What is Liquidity Pool?

The Liquidity Pool is the crowd-sourced pool of digital assets or tokens which operates on the concept of the smart contract. Primarily, it is used for facilitating effective trade between multiple digital assets through a Decentralized Exchange (DEX). In short, these can be termed as Reserves of Digital Tokens which are secured by Smart Contracts. 
These pools are gaining immense momentum because of the liquidity feature they add to the complete Decentralized Exchange ecosystem. Furthermore, eliminates the problems of illiquidity by assisting in the convergence of orders, determining price quotations, and predicting the market performance (surge or decline). Liquidity Pool works use the Automated Market Maker (AMM) approach as that of Decentralized Exchanges. 

How does Liquidity Pool work?

In the context of Digital Assets, the term Liquidity means the potential of cryptocurrency to be changed to fiat currency or other assets without affecting its value. Hence, it can be said that Liquidity Pools make it easier to convert Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Altcoin readily convertible to the cash value. Additionally, the investment fund manager requires a license to construct a pool irrespective of the jurisdiction. This certainly is not magic, the entire process is backed by a pre-defined and standardized mechanism.
Firstly, the multiple markets are generated for the pair of tokens which constitutes a liquidity pool. The pool of creators then focuses on determining the initial price of the asset. However, the pricing of the assets in the pool is not aligned with any of the global crypto markets. Moreover, with the increase of contributors to the funds, it becomes more critical to keep the prices aligned with the market pricing. However, the pricing algorithm of the liquidity pool allows asset price adjustment as it supports token swaps. As a result, the token ratio serves as an important metric for determining the pool’s pricing. The price adjustment of the asset depends on the number of the person who spends in the liquidity pool. 

The transaction fees collected from the buyer and seller are used to pay liquidity providers. Alternatively, this fee is further reinvested in the liquidity pool and helps to maintain the value of the tokens and expand the entire pool performance. Hence, the good value stability ensures that comes with the transaction fee helps to augment the original investment with the right liquidity pool. 

Use Cases of Liquidity Pool 

The liquidity pool has numerous benefits in the digital space where the risk to mining to governance to the maintenance everything is possible. As a result, the liquidity pool has the following diversified use cases which boost the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Yield Farming

Also termed Liquidity Mining yield farming where users contribute funds and use them to create income on automated yield generating platforms called liquidity pools. The tokens deposited in the liquidity pool are allocated based on the pooling algorithm. Thus, the Liquidity pool facilitates effective yield farming in the crypto ecosystem. Furthermore, it also allows the creation of synthetic assets on the blockchain.

Tranching and Governance  

Another profound application of the liquidity pool is the categorization of financial goods based on returns and risks. As a result, it allows the creation of risk and returns profiles by describing the assets that can be split up into micro pools and transacted further. Additionally, the participants in the pool make substantial use of the majority of token votes to implement policies and protocols also defined as Proof of Stake (PoS).

Effective Risk Maintenance 

 The liquidity pool comprises several forms of risks and the identification of the same helps to combat effective with its effects. The risks related to Smart Contract are often neglected but with a liquidity pool, the contract itself acts as the custodian. Alongside, the temporary losses are also addressed with AMM (Automated Market Maker) approach. Thus, the liquidity pool is designed to combat well the potential risks that exist in the ecosystem.


Examples of Liquidity Pools 

There are some of the finest set of liquidity pools that limits risk and improves long-term volume and reserves.  DAI, BTC, renBTC, sBTC, WITH, HBTC, etc. are some of the well-known liquidity pools.  However, the story remains incomplete without the existence of such platforms. Bancor, which was the first protocol that used liquidity pools gained immense traction only after Uniswap became popular. While the other Liquidity Pools such as Balancer, SushiSwap, Curve, BakerySwap, BurgerSwap, PancakeSwap, etc are the few most talked about elements in the ecosystem.

Final thoughts

Inarguably, liquidity pools are the most significant introduction to the DeFi ecosystem and are ready to take decentralized trading, lending, production, and governance to remarkable heights. Based on Smart Contract which fuels the entire process, Liquidity Pools makes its safe and secure modern financing algorithm too.